Member Profile

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Dr. Manzoor Mahmood
Department of Cardiology
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1) Amin, M. A., Anwar, A. A., Arzu, J., Safiuddin, M., Mahmood, M., Sheikh, N., … Ahmed, C. M., Association between microalbuminuria and serum Troponin-I in normotensive and nondiabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction; A cross-sectional analytical study., University Heart Journal, 2024, 20(1), 10-13
2) Baker SME, Showdagar M, Mahmood M, Ahsan H et alNH, Rahman M, , Coronary Angiographic Findings between Diabetic and nondiabetic Patients in Coronary Artery Disease: A Comparative Study, University Heart Journal, 2023, 19(1), 5-9
3) Abedin MZ, Mahmood M, Hoque H et al, Medical and Socio-environmental Predictors of Hospital Readmission in Patients withCongestive Heart Failure, European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2023, 13(4), 518-525
4) Anwar AA, Mumu SA, Khondker MN, Islam MT, Islam MA, Mahmood M, Khaled MFI, Familiar form of ASD with Mitral Stenosis – An Uncommon Presentation of Lutembacher’s Syndrome, University Heart Journal, 2023, (19)2, 66-70
5) Biswas, S. K. ., Mahmood, M. ., Sheikh, N. ., Comparison of Clinical and Angiographic Profiles of Patients with or without Left Main Coronary Artery Disease, University Heart Journal, 2022, 18(1), 3-9
6) Ahasan, M. H. ., Mahmood, M. ., Adhikary, D. K., Comparison of Safety and Efficacy Between Dabigatran and Rivaroxaban in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation in Tertiary Level Hospital, University Heart Journal, 2022, 18(1), 10-13
7) Salim, M. A. ., Mahmood, M. ., Adhikary, D. K. , Cardiac Arrhythmias in Patients with COVID-19 Infection – A Single Center Study, University Heart Journal, 2022, 18(1), 61-64
8) Mahmood M, Banerjee SK, Prediction of in-hospital mortality by using get with the guideline (GWTH-HF) risk scores in patient hospitalized with heart failure., European Heart Journal, 2022, 43(Suppl 1), i59
9) Begum LN, Hoque MH, Mahmood M, Echocardiographic Evaluation of Cardiac Changes in Patients with Hypothyroidism and the Response to Treatment, MMJ, 2022, 31(3), 790-796
10) Azam MG, Ahmed N, Banerjee SK, Ahmed CM, ahman MM, Mahmood M et al, Detection of Viable Myocardium in Patients with Myocardial Infarction (MI) with Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography (DSE) Comparing with Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT-MPI) , University heart journal, 2022, volume 18 number 2, 98-100
11) Mahmood M, Hoque H, Viral Infections and the Heart, University Heart Journal, 2021, 17(1), 1-2
12) Salim MA, Rahman MW, Adhikary DK, Arzu J, Hoque MH, Joarder AI, Mahmood M, Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A Case Series, University Heart Journal, 2021, 17(1), 71-75
13) DK Adhikary, Saha SK, Mahmood M, Efficacy of amiodarone in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with coronary artery disease in Bangladesh, Journal of Dhaka Medical College, 2021, 29(2), 158-164
14) Mostafa ABMG, Parvin T, Mandal MRM, Afrin R, Mahmood M, Ahsan SA, Safety and efficacy of bivaluridin in diabetic acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing PCI, European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021, 3(2), 93-97
15) Islam S, Ahsan S., Mahmood M et al, Association of P wave dispersion with angiographic severity in patients with chronic stable angina, University Heart Journal, 2021, 17(2), 81-85
16) Islam MA, Mahmood M, Ahmed K, Correlation between insulin resistance and LVEF in diabetic chronic heart failure patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital, University Heart Journal, 2021, 17(2), 99-102
17) Faruq F, Ahsan S, Mahmood M, Glycated haemoglobin and short term prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome, University Heart Journal, 2021, 17(2), 108-113
18) Biswas P, Kaled F, Parvin T, Mahmood M, Osmany D, Bhowmik G et al, Role of exercise electrocardiography to predict coronary artery disease., University Heart Journal, 2021, 17(2), 114-117
19) Salim MA, Mahmood M, Adhikary DK et al, Cardiac arrhythmias in patients with COVID-19 infection- a single centre study, Bangladesh Journal of cardiovascular intervention, 2021, 4(1), 7-10
20) Biswas SK, Mahmood M, Sheikh N et al, Left main coronary artery disease: clinical and angiographic profiles of patients in a tertiary level hospital, Bangladesh Journal of cardiovascular intervention, 2021, 4(1), 11-17
21) Mishra A, Parvin T, Mandal MRM, Ahsan SA, Mahmood M et al , Significance of reciprocal changes on angiographic severity of patients with acute inferior STEMI, Journal of invasive and clinical cardiology, 2021, 3(1), 32-39
22) Singha CK, Zaman SMM, Mahmood M et al, Frequency and demographic characteristic s od different types of cardiomyopathy in adult at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University--- experience of 50 cases, Bangladesh Journal of Echocardiography, 2020, 5(1), 254-257
23) 1. Chowdhury MSIT, Hoque H, Mahmood M, !qbal KM, Mostafa Z, Siddique S, Zaman SMM, . Improvement of left ventricular systolic function after percutaneous coronary intervention in diabetic patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction, MMJ, 2020, April, 29(2, 384-91
24) Mahmood M, Hoque H, Blood Lipids: How much low is low enough?, University Heart Journal, 2020, 16(1), 1-2
25) Alam MK, Mahmood M, Adhikary DK,, The Pattern of Cardiac Arrhythmias in Acute ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction and their in-hospital Outcome, University Heart Journal, 2020, 16(1), 16-21
26) Mahmood M, Hoque H, Ahmed CM, Assessment of Cardiology Trainees in the Workplace, University Heart Journal, 2020, 16(2), 106-110
27) Biswas E, Banarjee SK, Rahman F, Ahmed CM, Hoque H, Mahmood M et al, Importance of echocardiography before initiation of a definitive treatment in a suspected cardiac patient---a case report, Bangladesh Journal of Echocardiography, 2020, 5(1), 267-269
28) Chowdhury MSIT, Hoque H, Zaman SMM, Iqbal KM, Mahmood M, Developing a vaccine for rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease: a riview of current research strategies and challenges, Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, 2019, 5(3), 44-47
29) Khaled MFI, Banerjee SK, Adhikary DK, Chowdhury MSIT, Mahmood M, Rahman MM et al, Factors influencing pre-hospital delay in patients with previous myocardial infarction, University Heart Journal, 2019, 15(2), 79-84
30) Rahman MW, Mahmood M, Adhikary DK et al, Frequency and clinical characteristics of heart failure with preserved ejection patients in a tertiary level hospital, University Heart Journal, 2019, 15(2), 63-67
31) Mahmood M and Hoque H, Third and Fourth heart sounds: clinical and haemodynamic significance, University Heart Journal, 2019, 15(2), 40
32) 1. Nahar J, Mahmood M, Parvin T , Assessment of volume status in patients with congestive heart failure undergoing medical therapy using clinical score and sonography, BJE, 2019, 04(01), 225-231
33) Faruq F, Ahsan SA, Mahmood M et al, Impact of glycosylated haemoglobin on in-hospital clinical outcomes in diabetic acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention, J Inv Clin Cardiol, 2019, 1(2), 63-67
34) Hasan MN, Banerjee SK, Ahsan SA, Habib SM, Mahmood M, Echocardiographic assessment of left atrial systolic function after percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty using tissue Doppler imaging, Mymensingh Med J, 2018, 27(4), 851-858
35) Rahman MW, Mahmood M, Hoque H, Peripartun cardiomyopathy ---an update, University Heart Journal, 2018, 14(1), 38-41
36) Hasan MRH, Banerjee SK, Ahsan SA, Zaman SMM, Ahmed MK, Rahman MM, Mahmood M et al, A comparative study of muscle symptoms of atorvastatin with rosuvastatin in patients of atheroscerotic cardiovascular disease, University Heart Journal, 2018, 14(1), 9-20
37) Rahman MW, Mahmood M, Hoque H et al. , Cardiac structure and functional alterations in heart failur with preserved ejection fraction---initial experience in a tertiary level hospital in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of echocardiography, 2018, 04(04), 141-144
38) Mahmood M and Hoque H, Cardiorenal Syndrome---difficult treatment decisions, University Heart Journal, 2018, 14(1), 1-2
39) Gachadar PK, Mahmood M, Adhikary DK et al, Significance of ST segment elevation in lead aVR in patients with non ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome, University Heart Journal, 2018, 14(2), 71-76
40) Chowdhury MSIT, Hoque H, Mahmood M et al, Comparison of left ventricular systolic function by 2D echocardiography between diabetic and non-diabetic patients undergoing percuteneous coronary intervention in non ST elevated myocardial infarction, University Heart Journal, 2018, 14(2), 47-52
41) Mahmood M and Hoque H, The link between cardiovascular disease and stroke, University Heart Journal, 2018, 14(2), 1
42) SS.M. Nahid Morshed, Chaudhury Meshkat Ahmed, S.M. Mustafa Zaman, M. A. Muqueet, Naveen Sheikh, Soheli Ahmed Sweety, Nilufar Fatema, Manzoor Mahmood, Jahanara Arzu. , Assessment of Mechanical and Electrical Dyssynchrony in Cardiomyopathy, Annals of International Medical and Dental Research,, 2017, vol-3(1), 12-`18
43) Iqbal ATMI, Haque KMHSS, Siddique MA, M Molik, Mahmood M, Muqueet MA., Coronary Arteriographic Profile in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy., Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, 2017, vol-3(1), 47-52
44) Ahmed CM, Banerjee SK, Mahmood M et al, , Prevalence of abnormal glucose regulation in patients with coronary artery disease, Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, 2017, vol-3(3), 4-7
45) Fatema N, Rahman SW, Rahman A, Rahman F, Habib SMA, Tarafdar AK, Sharmin F, Muqueet MA, Mahmood M., Echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular systolic function in cancer patients trated with chemotherapy in a tertiary care hospital, Bangladesh Journal of Echocardiography, 2017, 02(02), 65-66
46) Ahmed K, Hoque H, Rahman F, Arzu J, Mahmood M, Lymphatic involvement in Chikungunya patient in cardiovascular practice, University heart journal, 2017, 13(1),
47) Fatema N, Rahman F, Ahsan SA, Mahmood M etal, A comparative study on left atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis with or without atrial fibrillation in a tertiary hospital, Bangladesh Journal of Echocardiography, 2017, 03(03), 106-108
48) Mahmood M and Hoque H, Step care management of heart failure, University Heart Journal, 2017, 13(1), 1
49) Mahmood M and Hoque H, Pulmonary hypertension: which drug for which patient?, University Heart Journal, 2017, 13(2), 38-39
50) Kabir MFI, Ahmed CM, Muqueet MA, Zaman SMM, Fatema N, Mahmood M et al, Evaluation of success of percutaneous mitral valvotomy using 2D and 3D echocardiography, European Heart Journal, 2017, 19(Supplement F), F1-F15
51) Ahsan SA, Haque KS, Arzu J, Mahmood M, Fatema N, Hasan MN, Immediate and short term outcome of single bolus eptifibatide in percutaneous coronary intervention--- a randomized cotrolled study, Mwmensingh Med J, 2017, 26(2), 300-305
52) Islam MS, Islam MA, Azad AK, Banerjee SK, Ahmed CM, Haque H, Ahmed MK, Rumki RS, Mahmood M, Rashid FB, Use of Anticoagulant Warfarin in Patients Presenting With Atrial Fibrillation in a Tertiary Level Hospital, Mymensigh Med J, 2016, July 25(3), 523-9
53) MA Muqueet, M Mahmood, MH Hoque, SM Zaman, J Arzu, MA Salim, A Case Report on Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Chronic Total Occlusion by Retrograde Visualization. , Mymensingh Med J, 2016, Oct;25 (4), , 780-4
54) MA Muqueet, M Mahmood, J Arzu, R I Litu, MG Azam, H Hoque, Nilufar Fatema, KMHSS Haque. , A Prospective Study of Various Anti Hypertensive Drugs on Reversal of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertensive Bangladeshi Population, Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, , 2016, vol-2(6), 63-6
55) Ahsan SA , Arzu J , Hasan MN, Mahmood M , Siddique MA , Zaman SMM , Haque KMHSS , Immediate & short term outcome of using single bolus eptifibatide in PCI, Global Heart, 2016, 11(2), e93-94
56) . Islam MS, Mahmood M , Haque H , Muqueet MA , Rumki RS , Banerjee SK , Siddique MA, Study of diagnostic accuracy of QRS score during treadmill exercise testing in patients with coronary artery disease in Bangladesh, Global Heart, 2016, 11(2), e146-147
57) Fatema N, Rahman F, Mahmood M, Left ventricular function in percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total occlusion ---an echocardiographic evaluation, Bangladesh Journal of Echocardiography, 2016, 01(01), 18-20
58) Mahmood M and Hoque H, Medical management of stable angina--- systematc therapeutic approach, University Heart Journal, 2016, 12(1), 1
59) Abedin MZ, Banerjee SK, Hoque H, Mahmood M et al, Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of patients with congestive heart failurew presenting to the cardiac emergency of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, University Heart Journal, 2016, 12(2), 76-81
60) Habib SMA, Hasan MN, Rahman AKMF, Ahmed M, Fatema N, Mahmood M, Study on Relationship of Segmental Distribution of Coronary Artery Disease and Peripheral Arterial Disease , University Heart Journal, 2015, vol-11(2), 68-70
61) 3. Hossain MZ, Siddique MA1, Parveen T, Mahmood M, Siddika KA, Mahmood S et al, A Study of N-terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide as a Predictor of Adverse Outcome of STEMI, University Heart Journal, 2015, vol-11(1), 13-17
62) 1. Mahmood M & Hoque H, Subspecialties of Cardiovascular Medicine, University Heart Journal, 2015, vol-11(2), 54-55
63) Sweety SA, Arzu J, Rahman M, Salim MA, Mahmood M, Cardiovascular Complications in patients with End Stage Renal Disease on Maintenance Haemodialysis, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2014, 23(2), 329-334
64) Ehsan MA, Mahmood M, Salim MA, Arzu J, Rahman MM, Prediction Of Major Adverse Cardiac Events Of Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome In Hospital Using Timi Risk Score And Timi Risk Index ., Global Heart, 2014, 9(1S), abstract
65) Arzu J, Siddique A, Banerjee SK, Rahman AKMF, Ahsan SA, Rahman MM, Salim MA, Mahmood M., Association Of Cardiac Ischemic Score And Coronary Collateral Circulation, Global Heart, 2014, 9(1S), abstract
66) Rahman MM, Mahmood M, Arzu J, Salim MA, Nahar S, , Role Of N-Acetylcysteine In The Prevention Of Contrast Induced Nephropathy After Coronary Angiogram And Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Global Heart, 2014, 9(1s), abstract
67) Salim MA, Banerjee SK, Ahsan SA, Safiuddin M, Rahman MM, Mahmood M, Siddique MA, Arzu J, Presentation, treatment and in-hospital outcome of Acute coronary syndrome in Young patients in South east Asian population, Global Heart, 2014, 9(1s), abstract
68) Mahmood M, Hoque MH, Mahmood SA et al, Prevention of ischaemic heart disease, University Heart Journal, 2014, 10(1), 27-30
69) Hoque H, Mahmood M, Haque MA, Pattern of dyslipidaemia among the Bangladeshi diabetic type 2 patients presented with acute coronary syndrome, Mymensingh Med J. , 2014, October 23(4), 737-41
70) 7. Arzu J, Muqueet MA, Sweety SA, Iqbal ATM, Kabir FI, Mahmood M, . Haemorrhagic stroke after thrombolysis with streptokinase., Mymensingh Med J, 2014, October 23(4), 818-20
71) Islam MS, Haq SA, Islam MN, Azad MAK, Islam MA, Barua R, Hasan MM, Mahmood M, , Comparison of efficiency between subcutaneous versus oral methotrexate in active rheumatoid arthritis., Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2013, 22(3), 483-8
72) Islam MS, Mahmood M, Safiuddin M, Siddique MA, Banerjee SK et al., Study of aetiology and risk stratification of 100 patients presenting with atrial fibrillation in a tertiary level hospital. , Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2013, 22(2), 308-12
73) Mahmood M, Hoque H, Rahman MM, Zaman SMM et al, Pharmacological therapy in smoking cessation, University Heart Journal, 2013, 9(1), 71-79
74) Mahmood M and Connolly S, Utility of ambulatory BP monitoring in a cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programme, The Journal of Heart Disease, 2013, 10(1), 51 (abstract)
75) Mahmood M & Hoque H, Evaluation of cardiac patient undergoing non-cardiac surgery, University Heart Journal, 2013, 9(2), 72-73
76) Kabir MFI, Mahmood M, Ahmed CM et al, Comparison between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional echocardiographic scoring in predicting success of percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy, University Heart Journal, 2013, 9(2), 74-79
77) Salim MA, Ahsan SA, Siddique MA, Banerjee SK, Rahman AKMF, Ahmed CM, Hoque H, Shafiuddin M, Zaman SMM, Habib A Adhikary DK, Arju J, Parvin T, Mahmood M , Initial experience of coronary angiogram through trans ulnar route in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, University Heart Journal, 2013, 9(2), 80-82
78) 4. Arzu J, Siddique MA, Banerjee SK, Ahmed CM, Haque H, Sheikh N, Mahmood M, Ectopia Cordia---a case report, University Heart Journal, 2013, 9(2), 119-120
79) Rahman MM, Haque KMHSS, Begum R, Siddique MA, Banerjee SK, Ahsan SA, Rahman F, Mahmood M et al. , Trimetazidine in the prevention of contrast induced nephropathy after coronary angiogram and percutaneous coronary intervention, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2012, 21(2), 292-9
80) Ehsan MA, Mahmood M, Siddique MA et al. , Prediction of major Adverse Cardiac events of patients with acute coronary syndrome by using TIMI risk score, University Heart Journal, 2012, 8(2), 71-79
81) Banerjee S, Zaman SMM, Ehsan MA, Parvin T, Mahmood M , A comparison of the clinical impact of enoxaparin induced bleeding measured by two diffirent classifications among patients with acute coronary syndrome, University Heart Journal, 2012, 8(2), 98-100
82) Hasan ATMI, Ahsan SA, Rahman AKMF, Ahmed CM, Safiuddin M, Hoque H, Habib A, Parvin T, Salim A, Sheikh N, Arzu J, Mahmood M , Role of percutaneous septal ablation in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy., University Heart Journal, 2012, 8(2), 110-12
83) Ahsan SA, Rahman F,Hossain AS, Siddique MA, Mahmood M, Successful percutaneous coronary intervention in a patient with dextrocardia, University Heart Journal, 2012, 8(2), 137-39
84) Ahsan SA, Hossain AS, Rahman AH, Rahman MH, Mahmood M. , First case of transulnar approach for angiogram (coronary and peripheral) in BSMMU, University Heart Journal, 2012, 8(1), 65-67
85) Mahmood M, Mahmood SA, Quayum MA., Combination therapy for optimal hypertension management, Bangladesh J Family Phys, 2012, 11, 24-26
86) Mahmood M, Heazlewood V, Turner E, Wood D, Connolly S. , How do clinic blood pressure measurements compare with 24 hour blood pressure monitoring in determining achievement of blood pressure targets in a cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programme? , Internal Medicine Journal, 2012, 41(Suppl 2), abstract
87) Debnath RC, Siddique MA, Haque SS, Banerjee SK, Ahmed CM, Mahmood M et al, Role of ETT in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease , Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2011, 20(4), 600-4
88) Ahsan SA, Salim A , Rafiq A, Siddique A, Banerjee SK, Haque H, Mahmood M, Short-term outcome of single-bolus dose of eptifibatide during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in a tertiary level hospital in Bangladesh, CVD Prevention and Control, 2011, 6, 67-70
89) Hussain MZ, I Shakeela, Salehuddin M, Mahmood M, Islam MT, Chest pain in children --- an update, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2011, 20(1), 165-70
90) Hossain AS, Siddique MA, Rahman MM, Ahmed MK, Roy GC, Rahman MM, Haque MM, Bari MM, Rafiq A, Islam MS, Rahman G, Rahman I, Ahmed SF, Sultan MA, Mahmood M. , Correlation of angiographic findings between right versus left precordial ST segment depression in acute inferior myocardial infarction, University Heart Journal, 2011, 7(2), 76-81
91) Mahmood M, Mahmood SA, Quayum MA, Rahman KS, Cardiovascular risk estimation: concept and clinical estimation., Bangladesh J Family Phys, 2011, 10, 24-28
92) Mahmood M, Muqueet MA, Hoque MH et al, Application of total cardiovascular risk estimation in the management of a patient with cardiovascular risk, University Heart Journal, 2011, 7(1), 28-34
93) Ahmed CM, Arafat SM, Hasan MK, Khan AH, Sayami LA, Sultan MA, Hoque MH, Mahmood M. , Validity of estimation of pulmonary artery pressure using continuous wave Doppler echocardiography in patient with patent ductus arteriosus, University Heart Journal, 2011, 7(1), 10-12
94) Salman M, Ahsan SA, Mahmood M, et al., New drugs for acute heart failure, University Heart Journal, 2011, 7(1), 35-38
95) Anam K, Rahman F, Jamaluddin M, Banerjee SK, Siddique MA, Rahman M, Ahmed K, Zaman SMM, Habib SMA, Ahmed CM, Safiuddin M, Mahmood M , Procedural outcome of percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total coronary occlusion: a multicenter analysis of 426 lesions in 426 lesions in 300 patients, Journal of Cardiovascular Intervention, 2011, 1(1), 22-25
96) Rahman MM, Haque KMHSS, Banerjee SK, Ahsan SA, Rahman AKMF, Mahmood M, Salman M, Azam MG, Comparative study on the development of contrast induced nephropathy in diabetic and nondiabetic patients during coronary angiogram and angioplasty, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2010, 19(3), 372-6
97) Mahmood M, Haque KMHSS, Salim MA, Siddique MA, Banerjee SK, Ahmed CM et al , Doppler evaluation of left to right shunt (Qp/Qs) in patients with isolated patent ductus arteriosus, Circulation (online version), 2010, DOI: 10.1161, abstract
98) Salim MA, Begum M, Mahmood M, Banerjee SK, Siddique MA, Haque KMHSS, Association of Major Risk Factors (Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension) in Acute Coronary Syndrome in Bangladeshi Population , Circulation(online version), 2010, DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.192774, abstract
99) Rahman MM, Haque KMHSS, Ahsan SA, Mahmood M, Hoque H, Parvin T, Banerjee SK, Increased Intima Medial Thickness of Carotid Arteries Associated with Severity of Coronary , Circulation(published online), 2010, DOI:1/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.192774, abstract
100) Md Harisul Hoque, Sufia Rahman, Md Abu Siddique, Syed Ali Ahsan, CM Ahmed, SM Mustafa Zaman, Manzoor Mahmood, Mukhlesur Rahman, Md Khurshed Ahmed , Procedural Results and In-Hospital Adverse Outcomes Following Multivessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) , University Heart Journal, 2009, 5(2), 67-70
101) Mahmood M, Mahmood SA, Hossain MZ, Quayum MA, Qader A, Rahman H et al, Presentatation and Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias ----- an analysis of 75 referrals from Family Medicine Practitioners. , University Heart Journal, 2009, 5(1), 17-19
102) Sarker DK, Haque KMHSS, Siddique MA, Ahmed MK, Rahman AKMF, Mahmood M, In-Hospital outcome of Acute Coronary Syndrome in patients with diabetes mellitus., University Heart Journal, 2009, 5(1), 24-27
103) Jahan S, Das T, Rahman S, Hossain MZ, Ferdous F, Habib SM, Saha S, Mahmood M, Hoque H, Pregnancy and its outcome in women with or without surgical correction of Tetralogy of Fallot, University Heart Journal, 2009, 9(1), 42-43
104) Mahmood M, Haque KMHSS, Ahmed QS, Siddique MA, Ahmed CM, Rahman MM., Doppler evaluation of left to right shunt (Qp/Qs) in patients with isolated ventricular septal defect, CVD Prevention and Control, 2009, 4 (Suppl.1), S168 (abstract)
105) Jamil AA, Mamun AA, Mahmood M, Haque KMHSS, Siddique MA, Banerjee SK, Trend of intracoronary stent use in Bangladesh where there is no health insurance, Proceedings of the 10th annual new cardiovascular horizons, 2009, no,
106) Sarkar H, Siddique MA, Haque KM, Ahmed CM, Mahmood M, Bhattacharjee B, Debnath RC . , Evaluation of left ventricular global function using Doppler myocardial performance index (Tei-index) in patients with systemic hypertension, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2008, 17(2) Suppl, S65-71
107) Rahman F, Ahsan SA, Ahmed CM, Safiuudin M, Haque KMHSS, Banerjee SK, Siddique MA, Mahmood M et al, Trends of permanent pacemaker implantation in University Cardiac Centre, BSMMU, University Heart Journal, 2008, 4(2), 16-18
108) Islam MS, Mahmood M, Haque KMHSS, Siddique MA, Banarjee SK, Islam MN et al, Study of angiographic association of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis with coronary artery disease in Bangladesh, University Heart Journal, 2008, 4(2), 24-27
109) . Mahmood M, Mahmood SA, Quayum MA, Qader A, Rahman H, Rahman KS, Cardiovascular diseases in the urban community: an analysis of 1064 referrals from Family Physicians, University HeartJournal, 2008, 4(1), 30-31
110) . Rashid HU, Haque KMHSS, Haque O, , Rahman F, Alam MS, Mahmood M, Iqbal ATM et al. , Carotid artery involvement in patient of diabetes mellitus undergoing coronary angiography, Bangladesh Heart Journal, 2008, , 22-30
111) Mahmood M, Haque KMHSS, Siddique MA, Ahmed CM, Hossain Z, Doppler evaluation of left to right shunt (Qp/Qs) in patients with isolated ventricular septal defect(VSD) , Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2007, 16(2), 181-186
112) Hussain MZ, Fatema NN, Salauddin M, Mahmood M, Ishrat S, Haque KMHSS et al. , Dextrocardia and its anomalous associations., University Heart Journal, 2007, 3, 14-23
113) Habib SMA, Islam MN, Mohsin K, Hussain MZ, Islam KQ, Alam SAN, Ullah M, Pasha K, Siddique MA, Mahmood M et al, Lower limb claudication predicts coronary artery disease in patients with peripheral arterial disease. , University Heart Journal, 2007, 3, 24-26
114) Hussain MZ, Salahuddin M, Mahmood M, Ishrat S, Habib SMA, Haque KMHSS, Cardiac Malposition: an overview. , University Heart Journal, 2007, 3, 40-45
115) Mahmood M, Mahmood SA, Quayum MA, Qader A, Rahman H, Rahman KS, Cardiovascular diseases in the community: an analysis of 1064 referrals from Family Physicians, Bangladesh J Family Phys, 2007, 6, 3-4
116) Muqueet MA, Haque KMHSS, Faruque GM, Hossain M, Khan RJ, Mahmood M et al, An evaluation of door to needle time (DNT) of thrombolytic therapy following acute myocardial infarction in three large tertiary referral hospitals in Dhaka city, Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin, 2006, 32(1), 29-34
117) Mahmood M, Mahmood SA, Quayum MA, Qadir A, Rahman KS, Pattern of referral of patients to a specialist by family physicians - - - a two year study, Bangladesh J Family Phys, 2006, 5, 9-10
118) Debnath RC, Siddique MA, Haque KMHSS, Banarjee SK, Ahmed CM, Mahmood M et al, Prioritizing patients for coronary angiography using simplified treadmill score in high risk Bangladeshi population, University Heart Journal, 2006, 2(2), 66-69
119) . Mahmood M, Jamil AA, Siddique MA, Haque KMHSS, Investigations in Heart Failure- An Update, University Heart Journal, 2006, 2, 41-42
120) Siddique MA, Mahmood M, B Bhattacharjee, Debnath RC, Sarkar H, Baker M et al, Right Atrial thrombus: A case Report, University Heart Journal, 2006, 2, 51-53
121) Siddique MA, Sharmin S, Salman M, Debnath RC, Mahmood M, Sultana N et al. , Unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction-Comparative angiographic profile of 70 patients, University Heart Journal, 2006, 2, 11-13
122) Mahmood, M Mahmood SA, Rahman KS, Cardiac Rehabilitation., Bangladesh J Family Phys, 2005, 4, 43-44
123) Mahmood SA, Mahmood M, Quayum MA, A patient with cough and fever, Bangladesh J Family Phys, 2005, 4, 46
124) Mahmood M, Haque KMHSS, Ahmed QS, Siddique MA, Ahmed CM, Fatema NN, Doppler evaluation of left to right shunt (Qp/Qs) in patients with isolated atrial septal defec, Chest and Heart Bulletin, 2005, 29(1), 26-32
125) . Mahmood M, Muqueet MA, Hussain MZ, Siddique MA, Haque KMHSS, Renal Dysfunction: An important indicator of cardiovascular risk., University Heart Journal, 2005, 1, 79-80
126) Banik D, Haque KMHSS, Siddique MA, Banarjee S, Ahsan SA, Rahman F, Ahmed CM, Mahmood M et al, Coronary artery dimension in patient with hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy , University Heart Journal, 2005, 1, 72-78
127) Mahmood M, Muqueet MA, Siddique MA, Haque KMHSS, Myocardial Viability, University Heart Journal, 2005, 1, 42-43
128) Siddique MA, Banik D, Sultan MA, Rahman MA, Parveen T, Mahmood M et al. , Cardiovascular risk factor proile of unstable angina patients in Bangladesh, University Heart Journal, 2005, 1, 10-14
129) Mahmood M, Mahmood SA, Rahman KS, Rashid SH, Osmany DMMF, Cardiac Investigations, Bangladesh J Family Phys, 2004, 3, 26-31
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